Shari Bonnard
US Multicultural/Multi Gen Director
“Promoting the Power of Prayer Through Love in Action”
Shari Bonnard is a Prayer Warrior/Watchman on the Wall with 25 years of experience promoting prayer and the Word of God as a Prayer Director/Coordinator, Community Chaplain, Prayer/Evangelism Leader and Trainer, Bible Study Facilitator and a Missionary to Cambodia.
Since 2019, Shari has served as the Multi-Cultural Church/Multi Gen Director for the Prayer Council of the United States. Shari’s vision and mission statement in this role is “To see community churches across the nation come along side one another in prayer and in unity for their communities”. John 17:22-23 leads in this vision and mission statement:
In John 17:22-23, Jesus prays, “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity.” Praying together, as a group of believers, cultivates unity and love for others, which is a catalyst that demonstrates the witness and power of the Church as one.
Shari is also the Founder and Executive Director of City Gates Pray, a nonprofit community organization responsible for regional citywide prayer mobilization throughout California and nationwide. She equips, organizes, and mobilizes communities and cities to assemble in prayer, lifting those that are without Christ, our church, neighbors, families, and leaders our communities.
Shari’s ministry tenure includes, serving as the Northern California Regional Coordinator for the National Day of Prayer Task Force for 10 years, mobilizing prayer over 23 Northern California counties. Shari has also served in various roles as a Community Law Enforcement Chaplain, Community Outreach Director with the Salvation Army and training others to share the gospel. As a missionary to Cambodia, she assisted with building churches for local pastors and facilitating VBS for the children.
Shari has earned a reputation for being a caring and compassionate Chaplain, Intercessor, and Prayer Leader with a genuine concern for the spiritual and emotional well-being of God’s Image Bearers. Shari’s spiritual strength starts with an unconditional love of the Lord, a love for His people, and a commitment to drawing others closer to Christ. She agrees with Alfred Lord Tennyson: “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.”