Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your gift of love for each of us through the cross. Thank you for your boundless love, mercy and grace. And patience, Lord! We thank you for your patience as we often stumble in trying to please you. We thank you for the power of your Holy Spirit who guides us daily.
Give us a hunger to live in unity with each another, and may we be united, in the bond of peace and fellowship, in the Spirit. Help us Lord, to not only do this during the Christmas season, but to remain steadfast in unity and love for each other, throughout the new year.
This Christmas season give each of us, the desire to love one another as You have loved us, and let the world know that we are Your disciples by our love for one another. Extend this love and grant us a deeper compassion and understanding of the needs of others. Allow us to walk as you do, in love, grace and mercy towards others.
Lord, be manifest through your Church, as salt and light to a world that is growing darker. May we be conduits of joy and peace, bringing hope to many and to each other.
This we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Shari Bonnard – National Director for the Multi-Cultural/Gen Church