As the School Year Begins Lord Jesus Christ, as a child, you increased in wisdom and stature, you listened to your teachers and asked them questions. Bless those who learn that they may grow in the knowledge of their Maker, Redeemer, Life-giver, and of your glorious world we live in. Bless those who teach, that they may share the wisdom they have received from above and that they may do their work with patience and love that reflect your mercy that endures forever.
You yourself are the Great Teacher. Instruct all of us in your commandments: to show love by glorifying you and serving our neighbors. Disciple all of us with your holy Gospel: to be forgiven, renewed and empowered through your life, death, and resurrection. Fill our hearts with wonder and excitement as we see your divine design in math and science, as we see your hand in history, as we learn to glorify you through art and music, as we learn to know our neighbors, their hopes, their hurts, their needs, that your love may flow through us to them.
Your holy Word also tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” By your power, help us increase in wisdom, never ceasing to learn all the days of our lives until we sit at your feet in your Kingdom; wherewith the Father and the Holy Spirit, you live and reign, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Source: © 2016 Paul C. Stratman