Every fall we enter a change in the season, where the earth prepares for the cold winter to come. And every fall Israel keeps the holy festivals our Lord taught them to keep in the Bible, Leviticus 23.
We’ve just finished Rosh Hashanah the new year in Israel of 5784. Some say this year is the “year of open doors”. On the evening of September 24th we will celebrate Yom Kippur, one of the holiest days in Israel as it’s an extreme time of repentance.
Then five days later we begin the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. A time when Israel has gathered the harvest and spends time with God and others in joyful fellowship.
All these celebrations are appointed date times with our Lord, helping us remember His incredible goodness for us and how He longs to spend time with us.
Many of us in modern society have lost communication with family and friends, and others have lost the sense of fellowship.
But God wants us to remember Him by also remembering others. As the fall holidays are upon Israel, and Western nations are also preparing for the winter festivals, lets remember to reach out and encourage those around us. Encouraging others is a powerful way for us to share the love of Jesus. The Bible tells us, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
During this season, regardless of the challenges we face, we can remember the Lord is always with us, and those we care for in the natural and through prayer. And let’s continue to pray and care for the “least of these”, the little lambs, our nation’s children, the born and preborn, who are our greatest reward. Psalm 127:3

May you have a happy and blessed Autumn,
Olga Hermann
Director for Life
Prayer Council of the United States